Criminals are expected to abide by the following rules in every engagement. Being a criminal is NOT an excuse for excessive killing, robbing, or low quality RP.
Criminal Rules#
1. General Rules#
- The quality of all criminal RP & interactions is subject to staff discretion. If you are found to be lacking in quality, you may be asked to improve or be removed from the server.
- No more than 10 criminals should be involved in a single scene.
- You cannot rob, kill, kidnap, or handcuff players who are AFK.
- You cannot rob, kill, or kidnap EMS (this rule does not apply to TACTICAL medical personnel [TEMS]).
- Law enforcement vehicles cannot be looted for law enforcement items in the trunk. Criminals can steal confiscated items and evidence only.
- Targeting or harassing Law Enforcement with the intent to instigate a shootout is strictly prohibited.
- You cannot impersonate Law Enforcement, DHS, or EMS personnel. This includes wearing their uniforms, creating fake social media accounts, or using their names.
- You cannot strip LSPD, BCSO, DHS, or EMS vehicles.
- You cannot steal DHS or EMS vehicles.
2. Robbery#
- You may not rob a civilian who is not doing a criminal activity unless they provoke you first.
- You may rob civilians who are engaged in criminal activity, with proper interaction.
- You may not rob the following items from players: Phone, License, ID Cards, Food & Water, Weapons Licenses, and/or Radios.
- You may steal food, drinks, and radios from containers or trunks.
- You may not rob a player in crowded areas such as businesses, police stations, or in the middle of a populated street.
- You may not rob a player as a result of "beef" over social media. (I.E Twitter)
- You may not rob an on-duty police officer under any circumstances.
- You can either rob or kill during an interaction, not both unless the victim resists violently.
3. Kidnapping & Hostage Taking#
- You may not kidnap or take a player hostage a player for longer than 45 minutes unless given prior consent. (You may ask in RP)
- You may not kidnap or take a player hostage a player for the sole purpose of receiving money or items for ransom unless you have a valid reason in RP.
- You may not kidnap or take the same player hostage more than once within 24 hours.
- You may not kidnap a member of Law Enforcement if the total police population is less than 20% of the server population.
- You may not kidnap EMS personnel under any circumstances unless authorized by server staff beforehand.
- You may not use players of the same gang or workplace as a hostage more than once within 7 days.
- You may use a friend, gang member, or coworker as a fake hostage so long as you follow the above rules.
4. Scamming#
- You may not scam other players out of items, property, or vehicles. This also includes misleading people or taking advantage of their lack of knowledge around server functionality.
- You may scam other players in regards to information (Drug locations, Black Market locations, etc.)
- You may not falsely claim a vehicle is a locked import, import, or limited vehicle when selling it.
5. Killing#
- You may not kill another player without valid reasoning and quality interaction beforehand. Violating this rule is considered RDM.
- You may not defecate on bodies, or make inappropriate comments such as "get domed fucker", or "your aim is dogshit loser", after killing another player.
- You may not kill another player with your vehicle unless it is the absolute last resort. You can NOT put yourself in situations intentionally where you have to use your vehicle as a weapon. This is considered VDM.
- You may not kill a player in crowded areas such as businesses, police stations, or in the middle of a populated street unless your life is in immediate danger.
- You may not kill a player as a result of "beef" or threats made over social media.
6. Heists & Location Robberies#
- You may not initiate a bank heist with the primary intent to ambush and kill Law Enforcement en masse.
- Law Enforcement is not required to abide by negotiated terms; they can react in whatever way deemed suitable so long as they follow server rules.
- Everfall does not strictly follow the "1 Hostage = 1 Demand" rule.
- You may not park more than 3 getaway vehicles in front of a heist location.
Corrupt cop RP is watched very closely. We recommend reaching out to staff if you're unsure whether or not a certain scene or action is allowed.